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Recently my iPhone 13 fell and started having some problems.

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On December 31st, my iPhone 13 fell on the asphalt, and since then I have been having some problems that I am not finding similar on the internet. Whenever I turn on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, the phone restarts, turning them off again, not allowing me to turn them on again. In addition, the camera is blurry, focusing only on what is in the background, not focusing on the main plane. There is no physical mark on the iPhone, not even on the camera. I have already tried to let the battery run out to try to turn it off completely, but it continues in the same way. I work with my phone, it's urgent!

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1 hora atrás, Vinciius Souza disse:

On December 31st, my iPhone 13 fell on the asphalt, and since then I have been having some problems that I am not finding similar on the internet. Whenever I turn on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, the phone restarts, turning them off again, not allowing me to turn them on again. In addition, the camera is blurry, focusing only on what is in the background, not focusing on the main plane. There is no physical mark on the iPhone, not even on the camera. I have already tried to let the battery run out to try to turn it off completely, but it continues in the same way. I work with my phone, it's urgent!

Is there any reasonable reason for a topic here in English?

Provavelmente a queda danificou algum componente interno do seu aparelho.

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7 horas atrás, Marcelo Melo disse:

Is there any reasonable reason for a topic here in English?


1 hora atrás, alvaro81886 disse:

Chamar atenção, obviamente kkkkk

será que @Vinciius Souza não é spam?😁

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21 horas atrás, Vinciius Souza disse:

On December 31st, my iPhone 13 fell on the asphalt, and since then I have been having some problems that I am not finding similar on the internet. Whenever I turn on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, the phone restarts, turning them off again, not allowing me to turn them on again. In addition, the camera is blurry, focusing only on what is in the background, not focusing on the main plane. There is no physical mark on the iPhone, not even on the camera. I have already tried to let the battery run out to try to turn it off completely, but it continues in the same way. I work with my phone, it's urgent!

Buy a new one. 

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