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Word: bug do çãoo

L. Pippa

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Cansado do antigo bug do çãoo, ainda não resolvido no Word 2016, criei o seguinte tópico na Microsoft Community:


çãoo: Portuguese Braziian bug since 2010, never fixed

When typing words ending in “ção” Microsoft Word adds an extra “o” at the end, changing the termination from “ção” to “çãoo”. It happens when typing words in Brazilian Portuguese. It happens on Word for Mac since its 2011 version, also present on the newly released 2016 version (despite all my efforts reporting it). It was experienced on OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10 and now on 10.11. I sent many reports since I first discovered it - and yet it is still not fixed.
I ran a test with these three applications comparing Apple’s Pages, Apple’s Text Edit and Microsoft Word. Here is what I found:
Apple Pages 5.5.3 (2152) = 0 errors
Apple Text Edit 1.11 (324) = 0 errors
Microsoft Word for Mac 15.11.2 (150701) = 87 errors in 125 words = 70% of errors.
It should work out of the box, without any further configuration, work-arounds or tricks. The final user should never need to worry about this. It is currently a nightmare for Portuguese speakers to use Microsoft Word for Mac, and it has been so since 2010. It is important to note that this bug is not present in any version of Word for Windows.
The magnitude of this bug and the lack of attention to it is inadmissible. It is not an Apple bug since it is not present in Any Other Apple software (like Safari, Mail, Text Edit, Pages, etc.) and can only be reproduced on Word. Portuguese is the 6th most spoken language in the world. It affects how a whole population of Portuguese speakers experience your software and services.
Support team fail stupendously to understand this localised issue.
I look forward to a final solution.


Se houvesse alguma forma de levar esse problema direto aos engenheiros seria mais fácil, mas pela experiência que tenho é possível afirmar que a Microsoft é muito mais complicada e menos eficiente que a Apple nesse aspecto.
Conto com a colaboração dos que puderem ajudar na divulgação desse tópico, incluindo tweets para @Office e @OfficeSupport. Eu mesmo já tentei, mas eles só me direcionam para a Microsoft Community.
This: Microsoft Community: çãoo: Portuguese Braziian bug since 2010, never fixed @Office @satyanadella
Desde já agradeço a todos!

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