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Erro ao instalar drivers com o MultiBeast 10.4.0 no High Sierra 10.13.6
esata postou um tópico em Hackintosh
Acabo de instalar o High Sierra 10.13.6 - Build: 17G65 - Fornecedor: Olarila - Download: Drive Ao tentar instalar os drivers com o MultiBeast-High-Sierra-Edition-10.4.0 apareceu uma mensagem informando que a instalação falhou (em anexo). obs.: tentei instalar só a placa de som, e deu o mesmo erro. Alguma sugestão de como devo proceder? Multibeast log: 05/20/19 08:24:59 - Starting MultiBeast 10.1.1-20171113 05/20/19 08:44:04 - Installing 'Bootloaders > Clover UEFI Boot Mode' 05/20/19 08:44:07 - Installing 'BootVolume' 05/20/19 08:44:07 - Copying 'apfs.efi' 05/20/19 08:44:07 - Copy of 'apfs.efi' failed. 'Failed copying apfs.efi'. Exiting. 05/20/19 08:45:06 - Starting MultiBeast 10.3.0-20180516 05/20/19 08:47:56 - Installing 'Bootloaders > Clover UEFI Boot Mode' 05/20/19 08:48:00 - Installing 'BootVolume' 05/20/19 08:48:01 - Copying 'apfs.efi' 05/20/19 08:48:01 - Copy of 'apfs.efi' failed. 'Failed copying apfs.efi'. Exiting. 05/20/19 22:07:02 - Starting MultiBeast 10.4.0-20180812 05/20/19 22:09:43 - Failed to find node with path 'Drivers > Audio > Realtek ALCxxx > H310 / B360 / H370 / Q370 Audio Device ID Patch' 05/20/19 22:09:43 - Failed to find node with path 'Drivers > Audio > Realtek ALCxxx > 200 / Z370 Series / X299 Audio Device ID Patch' 05/20/19 22:15:06 - Installing 'Bootloaders > Clover UEFI Boot Mode' 05/20/19 22:15:11 - Installing 'BootVolume' 05/20/19 22:15:11 - Mounting EFI at destination 'HighSierra' 05/20/19 22:15:12 - EFI partition for volume does not contain a CLover config.plist. Exiting. 05/20/19 22:15:59 - Installing 'Bootloaders > Clover UEFI Boot Mode' 05/20/19 22:16:04 - Installing 'BootVolume' 05/20/19 22:16:04 - Mounting EFI at destination 'HighSierra' 05/20/19 22:16:04 - EFI partition for volume does not contain a CLover config.plist. Exiting. 05/20/19 22:16:56 - Installing 'Bootloaders > Clover UEFI Boot Mode' 05/20/19 22:17:00 - Installing 'BootVolume' 05/20/19 22:17:00 - Mounting EFI at destination 'HighSierra' 05/20/19 22:17:01 - EFI partition for volume does not contain a CLover config.plist. Exiting. 05/20/19 22:20:23 - Starting MultiBeast 10.4.0-20180812 DESKTOP: ASUS G20CB-B21 Gaming Desktop Mobo: ASUS H170-P/G20CB/DP_MB. Processador: Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz Cooler/WC: G20AJ CPU FAN ASSY / G20BM THE MOD ASSY VGA: NVIDIA GTX 1070 8GB WLAN Properties: Realtek 8821AE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC Network Adapter Properties: Network Adapter Realtek 8821AE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC Audio: nVIDIA GP104 HDMI/DP @ nVIDIA GP104 - High Definition Audio Controller PCI - Realtek ALC887 @ Intel Sunrise Point PCH - High Definition Audio Controller [D1] PCI Memory: (2x8GB) 16GB DDR4 SDRAM SSDs: 120GB Kingston - Hyperx Fury SHFS37A / 120G / 7309541 / 9904447-724.F00G HDD: 1TB TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 Fonte: ADAPTER 180W 19.5V 3P(5.5PIH) / ADAPTER 230W 19.5V 3P(7.4PHI)- 12 respostas
- hackingotsh
- multibeast
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Olá Pessoal, Instalei o Lion seguindo este tutorial do tonymacosx86: A instalação foi um sucesso, cheguei a mexer um pouco no lion, porém logo depois que instalei o multibeast, quando reiniciei o computador, não deu o boot, ficou parado na tela do logo da Apple cinza. Estou escrevendo de outro computador, porque até agora não consegui arrumar. Será que alguém sabe o que pode ter acontecido? Desde já agradeço!!!