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Atualizações de Status postados por Muffin_zito

  1. @oneplus A notch is ok, but no OLED?! No way one plus, no way

  2. @Wendys Send some more burguers over here in Brazil please

  3. Hey @oneplus, my phone is becoming unusable and the 5T is basically awesome for an even better price, should I buy…

  4. @sokpopco Do I get the bonus if I join February 6? ?

  5. HECK YEAH #SillySausage

  6. @Razer @minliangtan Are you guys planning a Razer Phone 2 next year?

  7. @SamsungBrasil Aah tá! Valeu :D

  8. I'm fine

  9. @OJeveryday @supercellgames

  10. Hey @BrackeysTweet what's the resolution/size of your screen? Mine seems way smaller than yours

  11. @CdNLeon LEON, A descrição do coisa de nerd animado tá errada ._.

  12. Eu resolvi desligar o bot que manda olá mundo todo dia, liguei um outro muito melhor

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