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Rudá de O.

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Conquistas de Rudá de O.

  1. Júlio, eu tava com o mesmo problema que vc. Tinha 0,09 de crédito. Mandei um email pra lá e mais uma vez não me decepcionei com o atendimento da Apple. Pelo contrário, dessa vez fui tão bem tratado *__* Mandei a seguinte mensagem "Hi, there. My name is Rudá, I'm brazilian and was living in Alaska. Now I'm back to Brazil and would like to change my account's country. The thing is that I still have some credit on my iTunes Store. Actually it's only 0.09 dollars, so there's no way for me to spend this on the store. I would like to know if you guys could reset my balance, and make it zero so I could proceed with the changing country process. Thanks in advance." Em menos de cinco minutos recebo a seguinte resposta: "Hello Rudá, Jessica here from the iTunes Store. I understand you have $0.09 store credit on your account which is preventing you from changing your country to Brazil, and you would like this credit removed. I imagine how eager you must be to begin purchasing from the Brazil iTunes Store. I'll be happy to help you! I have removed the store credit from your account. You can change the country associated with your account by following these instructions: 1) Sign in to the iTunes Store. 2) From the Store menu select View My Account. (In OS X, the Store menu is at the top of the screen when you're in iTunes. In Windows, the Store menu is at the top of the iTunes application.) 3) Click Change Country. 4) Select your new country from the menu. 5) Click the Change Country button. Please note that the funds will not be returned to you once you have switched countries. Rudá, I hope that I have helped you resolve this issue. If you need further assistance regarding changing the country associated with your account to Brazil, please do not hesitate to reply to this email. Have a wonderful day! Sincerely, Jessica iTunes Store Customer Support Please note: I work the following hours June 10, 2012 - June 16, 2012 Sunday: 7:00 AM - 3:15 PM EST Monday: 7:00 AM -3:15 PM EST Tuesday: 7:00 AM -3:15 PM ESTT Wednesday: 7:00 AM -3:15 PM EST Thursday: 7:00 AM -3:15 PM EST Friday: OFF Saturday: OFF Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you." Achei tão fofa que respondi assim "Thank you very much, Jessica. You guys always make me pleased that I have chosen Apple instead of any other company Hope you have a wonderful day, too." A fofa me responde "Dear Rudá, This is Jessica again. I just want to say that you are very welcome, and thanks for replying. I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved, and I was able to provide you with the support you deserve. I know it is always such a feeling of accomplishment, when things work out the way you want them to. I am glad that I could assist you best of all! Believe me, nothing makes Apple happier than knowing that we have pleased our wonderful customers. I truly hope that you continue to enjoy all that the iTunes Store has to offer. Also, Apple (and myself) are currently striving for the best experience possible in making sure our customers have been taken care of to their satisfaction. It was a pleasure to assist you, and I will now close this request. Remember support is just an email away if needed. You've truly been a remarkable asset to the iTunes Store Family and Thank you for choosing the iTunes Store. Best wishes and continued happiness! Have a nice day!" APPLE. COMO NÃO AMAR?!?!?!
  2. Hoje em dia tenho um Android e olha... Devo te dizer que sinto falta do iOS constantemente. Só não estou com um iPhone pq eu estava sem celular nenhum, precisei comprar um aparelho e na hora não tinha muita grana. Mas a primeira oportunidade que eu tiver eu volto pro iOS.
  3. Link pro torrent de Skyrim [LINK REMOVIDO] Roda suave no meu Macbook White mid 2010 e nem precisa de wrapper =)
  4. Gente, hj eu fui acessar a internet aqui no Windows, pelo Safari, e quando cliquei no link do navegador ele deu uma pala que nunca tinha contecido antes. Tipo, o Safari até inicia, mas 'congela' bem rapidinho. Não chega nem a aparecer o endereço da Home Page na barra de endereços. Aí na mesma hora apareçe aquela mensagem escrota do Windows dizendo que "O Safari encontrou um problema e precisa ser fechado." ¬¬¬¬°°°° Agora TODA vez que tento abrir o Safari acontece isso :/ Tentei desinstalar o Safari e instalar de novo, não deu. Aí deletei o link do Setup q tinha aqui no pc e baixei de novo, no site da Apple. Instalei de novo e aconteceu a mesmíssima coisa! Caraca, e agora?! Tá difícil... Um dia sem o Safari e meus nervos já estão reclamando. Escrever esse Tópico pelo Firefox tá sendo um martírio ¬¬° AGUÉM ME AJUDA, POR FAVOR! Que posso fazer pra ter meu navegador querido funcionando, de volta?
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